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The biochemistry of love (and what happens in your body when you fall in love)

The biochemistry of love (and what happens in your body when you fall in love)

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What happens in our body when we fall in love?

When does everything seem possible in life? When we're in love. The era of romanticism already promised “die ewigi Liebi” (“… and they lived happily ever after ”) in the 18th century. While we're still waiting for it, 1 billion women and men “swipe” every day on the Tinder app left and right, hoping for the perfect match. While “perfect” is a matter of taste, the language of love is universal. So what happens in the body when we fall in love (and love)? What do the lovers say and what is behind it? Why do we feel butterflies in the stomach and how does James Bond keep falling in love over and over again? We'll go over these and a few other questions that you'd  only ask in bedroom.

By the way, happy Valentine's!

"The chemistry between us is just right!"

The newly in love often behave strangely. Plato already knew that: “Love is a serious mental illness." Not quite romantic, but very interesting: The symptoms of being in love can be explained with hormones and neurotransmitters substances in the brain: A cocktail of hormones rushes through the bloodstream and literally nebulizes the senses!

Why does your heart beat faster when you see your loved one? The body releases stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol . Concentration is disturbed, thinking becomes more difficult. Oh, that's a good feeling!

AURUM Valentine's Day Zurich love
Ever happend to you?

So that falling in love later becomes love, the body produces oxytocin , the famous touch or cuddle hormone. It is formed in the pituitary gland and also helps couples to bond to each other for a long time. That's why I fell in love with my dance partner at that time, really ?!

And of course dopamine - the hormone that puts lovers in a state of happiness. Dopamine also triggers desire, desire, interest and motivation. It drives us to develop further and to experience and achieve new things. If the body lacks dopamine, people become listless, sluggish and listless.

And the butterflies in your stomach? These are thanks to the hormone phenetylamine : it increases the sensation of pleasure and causes that very special tingling in the stomach when in love.

Paradoxically, however, the other happiness hormone drops when in love: serotonin . It is not only responsible for the state of happiness, but also for the feeling of satiety, satisfaction after meals. Fortunately, if you are in love, you lose your appetite, otherwise you would empty the whole fridge!

With such a chemical cocktail everyone gets intoxicated by love. The partner becomes a drug - you want more from him or her and never have enough. Brain researchers find that the same brain regions are active in love as in addicts: the same receptors in the brain are occupied when you are in love or addicted to opiates. Ah, that's why lovesickness is like drug withdrawal!

"I want to fall in love (again)!"

If you want to conquer someone, the sober chemical explanation provides valuable help. The body is in a state of excitement both when in love and in dangerous situations - but it cannot distinguish between the two. Do you remember how Bond, James Bond and his Bond girl fall in love after the chase? Oh yes, in a state of excitement the other person suddenly sees you with completely different eyes!

If you want someone to fall in love with you, do a paraglider tandem flight, ride a roller coaster together or do a partner training at AURUM;) The experience binds.

Fun on the side: strength training has a lot more to do with love than you think.

"Do you feel like..?"

Strength training increases the production of testosterone, the king hormone for the desire for sex: more testosterone, better libido. All sports that lead to an increased release of testosterone also lead to an improvement in libido. So you increase sexual appetite. In principle, these are primarily short and intensive sports and training units such as intensive strength training or sprint training or interval run in the forest because they usually lead to an increase in testosterone levels.

Types of a movement aimed at relaxation also increase desire. Then the joy hormones serotonin and the cuddly hormones oxytocin come into play. Yoga and Pilates have a strong effect on the pelvic floor, ensure increased blood circulation and a better body feeling - and thus an increase in libido.

Also recommended for pleasure is moderate endurance sports, which offer a combination of exercise, relaxation, improved blood circulation and oxygen supply - including the sexual organs - such as light jogging or Nordic walking.

And not to be underestimated is the increased self-confidence due to the training and the increase in strength: You feel good in the body, and the feeling of high or happiness (even if you are physically exhausted) makes it easier to accommodate, respond and express your feelings.

"I have no desire…"

Endurance training reduces the desire for love in the bedroom . Strength training ignites them. Various studies with well-trained athletes such as marathon runners, triathletes and racing cyclists show that the hormone production controlled by the head is hampered by the extreme endurance load. As a result, the testosterone value is reduced.

But "making love" is in itself a great workout: both as endurance and cardio. Tobias, AURUM trainer and former athlete and runner, also says: “ It is great cardiovascular training and stimulates the metabolism. ”  

"Grow old together"

Those who build strength secure l'amour toujours even in old age. Studies show that physically fit people have more desire and more love than their unhealthy contemporaries. As is well known, hormone production declines in old age, but strength training counteracts this. People between the ages of 60 and 70 who train frequently, enjoy intimate moments as much as people 20 years younger. Staying fit is therefore worthwhile for short-term and long-term reasons.

As always, nutrition plays an extremely important role. Just like the mood or the ability to concentrate, the right or wrong diet can increase or decrease the desire for love and ... impair reproductive ability. Spurlock's experiment of 30 days of fast food showed, among other things, that poor nutrition can massively reduce the sex drive.

"More efficient in sports thanks to training in the bedroom?"

One cannot answer clearly whether one becomes more efficient through sex. Sexual activities can improve the whole (anabolic) building process and have a positive influence on the ability to regenerate after demanding training. In this regard, science is still in its infancy. There are only tendencies that show this.

But l'amour toujours release endorphins, which is why the blood rushes through the body. Proper blood circulation plays an important role in muscle regeneration: in the blood, oxygen and all nutrients are transported to the cells. Studies show that intense highlights in lovemaking increase the circulation of the blood so that the regeneration ability of the muscles can actually increase. So the first thing is: strength training, then love training.

Strength training in the gym and "training" in the bedroom have important positive effects and interactions:

  • improved hormone production
  • higher self-confidence
  • the feeling of feeling younger
  • improved blood flow
  • the feeling of happiness that makes everything else in life beautiful and possible ( honeymoon effect )

Love is not what you expect to get, but what you are willing to give

- Katharine Hepburn

So give it your all in training this week and “ dans les draps ” with amis!

Why have I read the last one in a seductive voice now? :)

Anyways, from Egle with love.

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